All Savings & Time Deposit
Kasasa Saver
Available to Kasasa Cash and Kasasa Cash Back account holders.
- 1.00% APY* on balances up to $50,000 when qualifications are met
- 0.05% APY* on all balances, even if qualifications are not met
- Automatic transfers of Kasasa rewards make saving easy
- No monthly maintenance fees*
- Minimum opening deposit $25.00
Statement Savings
- Only $50 minimum opening deposit
- Up to six withdrawals each quarter with no charge. Additional withdrawals are just $5 each.
- $3 fee if your average daily balance falls below $50 during the quarter.
Christmas Club Savings
- Only $25 minimum opening deposit
- Receive your savings check just in time for the holidays!
- $10 fee for each withdrawal made prior to distribution on the last business day of October each year.
Money Market Deposit Account
- Only $2,500 minimum opening deposit
- Up to six withdrawals each month with no charge. Additional withdrawals are just $15 each.
Certificates of Deposit
- Only $1,000 minimum opening deposit
- Maturities ranging from three to 60 months
- Interest may be compounded or paid by automatic deposit.
- Certificates automatically renew at the current rate upon maturity.
- A grace period of 10 calendar days is given after the maturity date to redeem certificates without a penalty.
- Interest rate and annual percentage yield vary according to the term and amount deposited. Rates subject to change without written notification.
- Penalty for early withdrawal may apply.