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Here to Help You Build A Better Future!

Start building something today. A financial future that works for you and not against you. We’re here to help make that possible. Whatever your dreams are, let’s go from here—to there!
Personal Loans
Our loan decisions are made locally, which makes them fast, easy and convenient for you! Whether you want to consolidate bills, buy a new car or purchase that dream boat, USB can help you achieve your goal with financing that's right for you.


With multiple branches throughout the South Central Kansas and Central Oklahoma region, our team of experienced mortgage lenders have been helping people achieve their home ownership goals for decades.

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Home Equity Line of Credit
Your home is generally your largest single asset which, over time, appreciates in value. With a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) you can use the equity you've built into your home to pay for large expense items. These items may include a wedding celebration, a dream vacation, or a child's first automobile. A HELOC can also be used to consolidate bills into one lower monthly payment, fund your dream vacation, or complete the home improvements you've always wanted.